The mission of ABOVE and BELOW is tell the real stories of, of real people who live right BELOW the view of society. To show those who have risen ABOVE and have their stories HEARD.  The real STRUGGLES. The real TRAUMA. The real ABUSE. The real DRUG USE. And the real climb out. Our hope is that knowing the truth of what people can go through and survive will inspire those who are still lost reach up for help and those who didn't know to reach out a helping hand.

Purpose of ABOVE and BELOW atx:

Creator: Jay Smith 

After years of battling substance abuse disorder and experiencing homelessness, Jay found his calling in helping others who suffer from the same issues. ABOVE and BELOW ATX provides Street Outreach Services that include food, water, ice, clothing, harm reduction, and recover coaching. They also connect people to resources they need in the Austin area. ABOVE and BELOW ATX understands the importance of documenting the truth about the conditions people live in and endure to help unite the community and support the movement to help those in need. ABOVE and BELOW ATX also provides a platform for people to tell their stories of addiction, homelessness, trauma, recovery, strength and hope. Their goal is to grow with the community of Austin Texas, and provide a voice to those who are unheard. Jay's dedication to helping others is truly inspiring, and his organization is making a positive impact on the lives of maniy in the Austin community. 

Jay and Tina Smith our 2 sons JD, and Aren.

Jay my husband and myself Tina Smith,  are both Austinites with two different stories of struggles with homelessness, drug addiction, incarceration, abuse and living BELOW society. Today we are married, experiencing personal success, living the family life and living ABOVE our TRAUMA. We are reaching down to our ROOTs and trying show what the NEWS will not, the real reasons people live BELOW and the real STRUGGLE of climbing back up! 

Founder "Jay" Smith


We are new at this please feel free to email, comment, DM suggestions!

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